Friday, October 30, 2015

Why the Help?

        The movie The Help is based off of a best-selling book created in 2009 by Kathryn Stockett. The director, Tate Taylor helps depict the book's story of life in Jackson, Mississippi of the 1960s for African American maids and high-classed whites. I was introduced to the movie because my mom had read the book and bought the movie. I then was forced to watch and the first time I watched The Help I was shocked that the movie was presenting such a serious issue of racism. The learning aspect and interesting story helped me fall in love with the movie. Every time I watch the movie I learn something new because it teaches, without people realizing it, about life in the sixties. The movie The Help, created in 2011, tells a remarkable story that keep the audience engaged from start to finish by its implied humor, intriguing characters, and it looks at the civil rights movement from the sixties.

The Help cover featuring Aibileen, Minny, Skeeter and Hilly

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